Proxy Voting Reminders

Source:   NCR News Digest (employee newsletter)
Date:     March 26, 1998

***Employee stockholders are encouraged to use a cost-effective method to vote 
their proxy for NCR's 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. This year, 
"registered" stockholders can vote their proxy by accessing the Web site:
( The Web site for employees who purchase NCR 
stock through the Employee Stock Purchase Plan is (

Registered stockholders who are residents of the U.S. and most of Canada can 
also vote their proxy by calling a toll-free number (1.888.807.7699) and 
following the instructions found on their proxy card.

An "NCR News Alert on ... the Annual Meeting" will be e-mailed to employees
after the meeting to be held on April 16 at Sugar Camp in Dayton. Because there
will be limited seating and parking at the meeting, Dayton-based employees
should read the "Alert" rather than attend the meeting.